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What Can Santa Accomplish This Holiday Season by Deploying Demandbase’s Software?

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December 6, 2021

4 mins read

What Can Santa Accomplish This Holiday Season by Deploying Demandbase's Software?

What Can Santa Accomplish This Holiday Season by Deploying Demandbase’s Software?

In the blink of an eye we’re starting off the last month of 2021, and we’re sure the situation at Santa’s workshop is starting to feel tense. And we get it, it’s really not for the faint of heart in there – per latest estimates, children between the ages of 0-14 make up roughly 25% of the population, which means around two billion kids are expecting holiday gifts this season. By the time they write their letters and mail them in, the whole North Pole will have to move into action to deliver this year’s much needed magic without skipping a beat and ensuring, as always, top quality gifts.

Santa’s Solutions – B2B Advertising, Data Insights, and Experience

Santa, if you’re reading us, we’re here for you and we really mean it. We’re not like those people who offer help just to be polite, expecting others not to take us up on it. We have some stellar solutions that we firmly believe will make a difference in your processes, streamline workflows for you and the elves, and most importantly, help you deliver on your promises on time and as planned. Without further ado, here’s our proposal:

  1. Advertise yourself: Although most teens and tots know all about you, the reality is that it would be great for the decision makers – erm, the parents – to know more about what you do and where to find you. Reach decision makers directly with our B2B Advertising, where you can customize and personalize your messaging to the members of the buying committees (after all, mom and dad don’t always see eye-to-eye on the toys), and you can be sure your ads are showing up on the right places because we only showcase on premium whitelist of brand safe websites (posing no risk to your reputation, as it should be).
  2. Anticipating intent: When it comes to kids, they tend to be indecisive around the holiday season product launches, and who can blame them when there’s so much to choose from? Demandbase Data can get you all of the right information sources in one place so that you can leverage firmographics, technographics, intent, account identification, and contacts, helping you make toy pipeline decisions based on insights. Also, with our Data Cloud you can be confident in the data integrity and sources – none of that scraping or harvesting that can lead to data privacy and security issues – yikes! Get ahead of the curve and put the workshop into action ASAP with the right information in hand.
  3. Build your list: Listen, we’ve heard you take a lot of time to check your list (sometimes even twice to make sure you’ve got all the segmentation of Naughty and Nice split correctly), but we think you can invest that time elsewhere in your prep process. With our Sales Intelligence, you can get detailed data about markets and contacts (after all, every country, family, and community celebrates a little differently), along with news, social insights and connections – and even keep your account and contact data complete and up-to-date with one-click data sync in case kids move or are traveling during the holidays – so you know where to find them and what to expect with each interaction.
  4. Provide an unforgettable experience: If you’ve heard about us before (maybe from Mrs. Claus and her repeated nudges to invest in software because these marathon gift deliveries are getting more demanding every year and being the frontman of this operation takes its toll…), you know that we advocate for a holistic approach that is experience-based, and it’s no different in this case. You want children to have the best memories of opening their presents after being good throughout the year, and you want to get it right for every single one of them. Plan, execute, and measure your results seamlessly with Account-based Experience, and your revenue elves will thank you for it.

We know first-hand that doing things the “old-school” way is very tempting and change is sometimes scary, but you’ve got less than 25 days to get everything right, Santa. The best part about this is that you don’t have to worry about choosing the right solution from the list above, because with Demandbase One, you’ve actually got the complete GTM (Gift-To-Many) offering in one suite.

PS – many of our employees are still working remotely, so we highly advise against coming down the chimney at DB HQ. You can shoot us a message here and we’ll be sure to get in touch with you to explain how all of this can become a reality! You can let Rudolph’s nose light the way towards the right decision for you, or talk to one of our experts – we’re sure the conclusion will be the same.


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Kathy Capeluto

Content Marketer, Demandbase

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